Revyse Announces Best of Category Awards, Celebrating Best-in-Class Vendors

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Claimed Listing

Dwellsy is the largest rental listing marketplace in the US, with over 14M units/30% of U.S. rentals already on the platform, sourced from over 20,000 professional property managers (Bozzuto, Bridge, Equity Residential, Progress Residential, FirstKey Homes, TriCon, etc.) and hundreds of thousands of individual landlords. Dwellsy covers more than 800 US MSAs/16k zip codes and serves all types of long term rental housing: Single Family Homes (40+ of inventory), Apartments, Condos, and more.  


by ICO

At ICO, we are not re-inventing the uniform, we're making stylish, authentic and dignified clothing for the modern work-force. ICO builds Uniform Programs utilizing Fresh, Modern in-stock foundational pieces that can be complemented with one-of-a-kind signature styles. We immerse and activate associates through Branded lookbooks, videos, and styling guides and simplify Process with a suite of contemporary program management tools.