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Apartment Finder


Company Information

Apartment Finder helps people rent apartments in their own neighborhood and in neighborhoods all across the country. Through a user-friendly website, Apartment Finder provides a comprehensive resource of apartments that is accessible to everyone. In addition to helping those who need to rent apartments, we also seek to provide a comprehensive moving resource, helping renters find movers and rental insurance, and helping them get their utilities connected. Apartment Finder also helps those who need to rent apartments – both the communities and the residents – connect to our resources via social media. Renters can find and share information about apartment communities through Facebook pages, and property owners can be made aware of potential problems by their Facebook fans. Those looking to rent apartments can also find and share information on neighborhoods and apartment communities of interest right on Whether you’re looking for a resource to research neighborhoods in a new city, a resource to rent apartments, or a comprehensive moving resource, you can trust Apartment Finder as your one-stop online shop! Apartment Finder is a subsidiary of Washington, DC-based CoStar Group, Inc.
HQ Location
Norcross, GA
Year Founded
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