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Company Information

HeyCharge solves the 2 biggest problems blocking mass deployment of EV charging: cost and reliability / availability. Our patent-pending technology makes EV charging work anywhere -- underground, in a city, or on a mountaintop -- without the need for internet! At the same time, we save labor, material, equipment, and operational costs. It's a true win-win for operators and for EV drivers. Property managers / operators πŸ‘‰ We'll plan and operate infrastructure using our SecureCharge platform. This gives you the lowest cost, and your tenants a pure digital experience that works underground! Charging operators / travel booking platforms / fleet operators / parking operators πŸ‘‰ Our flexible combination of turnkey hardware/software plus SDK, HDK, and EV charger retrofit kits allow you to build your business on our unique technology, offering a differentiated product in a crowded market!
HQ Location
Munich, Bavaria
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