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Bilt Rewards Alliance Reviews

1 Review



Customer Support




Onboarding Experience



Director of Marketing, Legend Management Group

4.5 - a year ago


Our Residents Love BILT

What was your company’s primary use case for Bilt Rewards Alliance?

At first, we added Bilt as an amenity for residents to use to earn rewards when paying their rent. We recently piloted all rent payments going through BILT payment center at three communities.

What do you like most about Bilt Rewards Alliance?

We had a great adoption rate throughout the portfolio. Residents who take advantage of paying through BILT, either with the BILT credit card or with another method of payment, are very happy with what it offers. There are some great rewards for our residents and it really is an added amenity.

What could Bilt Rewards Alliance do better?

There have been some residents who share they are frustrated that they cannot call BILT for support, that it is all online. So I would love for BILT to offer phone support as well.

Who would you recommend Bilt Rewards Alliance to?

I would recommend BILT to anyone looking for additional amenities they can offer their residents at no cost. Residents can still pay through ACH payments, another credit card or take advantage of the BILT card.

Customer support and service

The team we work with is fantastic and very responsive. However, as I mentioned earlier, customers do want the option to call for support instead of submitting for help online.

Value for money

We do not pay anything to use BILT rewards, so it's a great value!

Ease of onboarding

Onboarding initially and adoption was better than expected at many communities. The pilot of BILT payments was a little tougher as it's new for residents who are used to paying another way. However, we think we've worked through the issues that arose but are doing some things a little differently than BILT suggested as we move to roll it out at additional communities. Specifically, more communication to residents and starting it earlier than suggested.

Compatibility with your existing solutions

The rent payments go through with ease to our bank and OneSite.
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