SatisFacts & ApartmentRatings Reviews

1 Review



Customer Support




Onboarding Experience



Director of Marketing, Legend Management Group

4.5 - 9 months ago


SatisFacts Offers Great Insite

What was your company’s primary use case for SatisFacts & ApartmentRatings?

We use SatisFacts for surveys at the time of move in, any time a service request is completed, and for an annual survey that goes out to all residents. We also use the Verified Resident Review Program that asks the resident to leave us a review on at the end of their survey.

What do you like most about SatisFacts & ApartmentRatings?

The surveys and verified resident reviews allow us to keep a pulse on customer experience. We can quickly address issues when they arise to ensure we are always delivering exceptional service. The verified resident program allows the prospect to trust reviews more as they are coming from a verified resident instead of anonymous or a random username that anyone could have written.

What could SatisFacts & ApartmentRatings do better?

I cannot think of anything at this time.

Who would you recommend SatisFacts & ApartmentRatings to?

Anyone who wants to know the customer's experience throughout their time as a resident should use SatisFacts. The data and education they provide to help our teams continually improve is a great benefit.

Customer support and service

Any questions I have are answered extremely fast. I also think the training they provide is fantastic and engaging for our teams.

Value for money

Ease of onboarding

It is very simple to add a community to their platform as well as new Managers.

Compatibility with your existing solutions

We've had no issues with their OneSite integration to pull reports.
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